Reflection and Growth.

Ifihan Olusheye
5 min readDec 31, 2020
An unedited unaware shot by simeonumez

Last year, I didn’t want to write a year-in-review because I didn’t think I needed it and because I felt I didn’t achieve much. I always thought that it was all about wins but my thought towards it changed this year.

This year is probably one I would not forget, as a lot of events happened — negative and positive. One thing I’m exceptionally grateful for this year is growth all round. This year has shown me that if I take my life seriously, I can make something meaningful out of it. No deep words or motivational talk here, this is just me trying to write out how my year went.

I started this year with no plans, just vibes. Looking back at the beginning of this year, I laugh at myself because that decision I took was a crazy one. The beginning of the year was quite normal; a student who just wanted to graduate. I was finally allowed to stay on campus this year, so I had time to get more school work done and was trying to be serious.
COVID-19 came with the lockdown and everything changed. We were told it was going to be for two weeks so I was at home studying for the several tests I had.

Two weeks turned into ten months. At the beginning of the lockdown, I did not know what to do with my life. I just lived a routine of waking up, reading, and sleeping. Then I decided to take tech more seriously. I began watching tutorial videos and tried few — uncompleted — projects.

I want to share some of the things that happened this year:

This was one of the biggest things that happened to me this year. I didn’t want to take up any leadership role because I feel they are stressful. I’m not the kind of person that likes to oversee things, I just like helping people in my own little way.

But in April/May, I had the urge to help more people and put myself out there. I applied to be the Lead of the Developer Student Club on my campus and spoke to Geektutor about the decision I made. He gave me advice and put me through the application. I was also shocked when my parents supported my decision. After the interview, I got a mail saying I was selected some weeks later. I couldn’t believe it.

After the onboarding call and virtual summit (thanks to COVID), I had some vibes to do community work. I also set up my core team. At this point, I would want to give a shout-out to them, because without them I would have been very frustrated and tired by now.

Thank you for always being with me, your hardwork, and your endless support to get things moving in the community. I cherish each and everyone of you deeply. I kicked off my tenure with an Info Session, and I would like to say it was successful. I still can’t believe I shared the virtual stage with Erica Hanson!

In the past few months, my perception of leadership has changed entirely and I would write on that next year. Looking back on this year, I’m glad to have impacted over two thousand people in tech with the help of organizations like Engineering Career Expo (ECX), DSC, Arete, SheCodeAfrica Unilag Chapter and CodeLagos. I hope to impact more next year.

At a point in the lockdown, I was depressed and fed up with life. I stopped talking to everyone including family. I shrunk a bit from overthinking and not eating. I am really grateful for Timi for his words of advice and prayers. I finally got back and started talking to a few people. I’m very glad for the people I met this year virtually, some turned out to be very good friends. This year, I learnt how valuable friendships can be. Also thanks to Q Devs for being part of my year.

Special shoutout to Jide — always there for me and a great listener, Timi — A friend I cherish with all my heart, Oma, Maryann, and Abisola — squad of life, been through a lot together and have many things in common, Geek — fatherly figure that advises, supports, and hypes me, Chioma and Zara — Favorite twins, for always slapping sense into me, hyping, and always ready to help me edit my English, Bolu — Always helping me with everything even with short notice and some sleepless nights, Sam — My run to when I have bug related issues.

When I was depressed, I lost touch with God too. The words of advice I received included the Word of God and prayers, and I slowly started mending my relationship with Him. Thanks to Timi, Chioma, and Zara for helping me pick a Bible and Bible plans to read and study.

I was also scared of saying I am a Christian but here I am to boldly write that I am a Christian to anyone reading this. I am continually building myself and growing in His Word.

I’ve concluded that relationships are not meant for me, at least for now. I would rather focus on my future and happiness. I have suffered enough heartbreaks and I have decided to close that chapter of my life, temporarily.

Esteem & Commitment.
I have been battling with esteem and commitment issues for a while now and it has improved a bit. My procrastination level has also reduced. I challenged myself to be committed by participating in the 30 DaysOfCode Challenge in November. I am also working on believing more in myself.

I tend to hide my emotions and feelings. I’m changing with the help of my friends. I have become more outspoken this year and it opened my mind to other people’s opinions and thoughts. This has greatly improved my interpersonal relationship with people.

I have improved my skills — both technical and soft — and I also added to my skillset this year. It wasn’t easy for me, because I take time to learn things sometimes. I am currently learning how to better my tech skills. As much as I get to help and impact, I must also grow and be able to be accountable for the skills I claim to have.

This year, I got my first job and some gigs. I was also able to make a moderate amount of money this year for myself and I could finally afford some things. It’s a big win for me, I couldn’t say this last year.

I am not writing this to brag but to show my journey of 2020, my highs and lows. I do not have any regrets. I have grown immensely this year, and for that I am glad. This is just the beginning.



Ifihan Olusheye

Python | Julia. Write random non-tech things here. Twitter: @Ifihan_